155 research outputs found

    Upaya Pesantren Dalam Membentuk Karakter Anak (Studi Kasus Di Salafiyah Ula Islamic Centre Bin Baz Karanggayam, Piyungan, Bantul, Yogyakarta 2011/2012)

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    Sejarah mencatat, bahwa pesantren memiliki peranan yang sangat besar dalam ikut memajukan pendidikan di indonesia selama ini. Kelebihan pesantren terletak pada keberadaannya yang multifungsional yaitu sebagai; lembaga pendidikan, dakwah, dan perjuangan. Agar pesantren tidak kalah majunya dengan lembaga pendidikan lain, maka salah satu usaha yang dilakukan pesantren adalah dengan mengembangkan pendidikan formalnya dan pendidikan ekstranya. Hal ini pula yang dilakukan pesantren Salafiyah Ula Islamic Centre bin Baz Yogyakarta. Berawal dari pondok pesantren Salafiyah Ula Islamic Centre bin Baz sebagai salah satu pesantren yang di dalamnya terdapat pendidikan yang ingin membentuk karakter anak, maka dalam skripsi ini penulis tertarik untuk mengadakan penelitian lebih lanjut terhadap keberadaan pondok pesantren Islamic Centre bin Baz dengan rumusan masalah yaitu: 1). Bagaimana upaya pesantren Salafiah Ula Islamic Centre bin Baz yogyakarta dalam membentuk karakter anak, 2). Bagaimana hasil yang telah diupayakan pesantren Salafiah Ula Yogyakarta dalam membentuk karakter anak, 3). Apa kendala pesantren pesantren Salafiah Ula Islamic Centre bin Baz dalam membentuk karakter anak. Berdasarkan rumusan yang ada, tujuan penelitian ini yaitu: untuk mengetahui upaya pesantren salafiyah ula dalam membentuk karakter anak, untuk mengetahui bentukbentuk karakter anak, dan untuk mengetahui kendala dalam membentuk karakter pada diri seorang anak. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif, metode yang digunakan untuk memperoleh data adalah metode observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Data yang dikumpulkan kemudian disusun dan dianalisis dengan menggunakan deskriptif kualitatif. Melalui tahapan reduksi data, penyusunan data dan pengambilan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pendidikan pesantren Salafiyah Ula Islamic Centre bin Baz telah mampu berperan dalam membentuk peran dalam pembentukan karakter santri. Bentuk upaya yang diberikan adalah dengan pendidikan partisipatif baik dalam pendidikan formal maupun non formal. Adapun bentuk karakter yang ditunjukkan santri adala

    Kompetensi Pedagogik Guru, Minat, Dan Fasilitas Belajar: Pengaruh Terhadap Prestasi Belajar IPS

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    Penelitian ini dilakukan bertujuan untuk  mengetahui adanya pengaruh yang positif antara kompetensi pedagogik guru, minat belajar, dan fasilitas belajar terhadap prestasi belajar IPS secarasimultandanparsial. Penelitian ini bersifat kuantitatif yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui korelasi maisng-masing variabel bebas terhadap variabel terikat dengan penggunaan angka dalam  pengumpulan data, penafsiran terhadap data tersebut, dan penampilan dari hasilnya. Sehingga penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan penelitian kuantitatif deskriptif.Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa kelas VI yang ada di Gugus 2 Kecamatan Selorejo Kabupaten Blitar yang berjumlah 220 orang.  Karena jumlah populasi terlalu besar makataraf ukur 30% sehingga diperoleh 69 siswa sebagai sampel .Hasilpengujian yang telah dilakukan didapatkan hasil bahwa variable bebas yakni kompetensi pedagogik guru (X1), minat belajar (X2), dan fasilitas belajar (X3) berpengaruh signifikan secara simultan terhadap prestasi belajar IPS di SDN Gugus 2 Kecamatan Selorejo Kabupaten Blitar. Variabel fasilitas belajar memiliki kontribusi terbesar terhadap prestasi belajar IPS yakni sebesar 0,709. Variabel kompetensi pedagogik guru, minat belajar dan fasilitas belajar mampu menjelaskan variabel prestasi belajar sebesar 66,7%

    Pengembangan Model Kepemimpinan Transformasional

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    Base on the leadership theory and research shows that transformational leadership is morepromising to sustain the success of the organization, especially the influence of organizationsthat are facing global business today. Development of a transformational leadership modelthat was developed by the authors to adopt and modify the effective transformationalleadership model proposed by Locke and friends. Development of a transformationalleadership model is composed of five parts, namely: 1) the motives and character, 2)knowledge, skill, and ability, 3) organizational culture, 4) vision, and 5)implementation of the vision


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    Until now, Indonesia has adhered to three types of inheritance law, namely Civil Law Inheritance (BW), Islamic Inheritance Law and Customary Inheritance Law. In Islamic inheritance law, it is known that there are two major ideas that are mutually different, namely the thoughts of Hazairin and Toha Yahya Omar. This begins with the use of different methods of interpretation between the two resulting in different legal products. This type of research is library research, descriptive analytic and comparative. As for getting the required data, it is done by searching books or scientific works related to the topic of discussion. After the data was collected, a qualitative analysis was carried out. And finally to draw conclusions, deductive-inductive methods are used. The research results show that Hazairin with his new ijtihad pattern has been able to provide an alternative understanding that is more systematic, coherent and comprehensive with the aim of creating a more universal system without the slightest bit of discrimination in it, namely a bilateral individual inheritance system. Meanwhile, M. Toha Yahya Omar remains consistent with the results of the ijtihad of the Sunni ulama with the Syafii sect, which concludes that the inheritance system which is considered in accordance with the text of the Quran is the Individual Patrilineal inheritance system

    Kebijakan dalam Penentuan dan Pendanaan Modal Kerja Perusahaan

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    : Policy in Determining and Financing Company's Working Capital. In funding working capital, a company can use hedging policy, conservative policy, and aggressive policy. In relation to long-term versus short-term financing, temporary versus permanent current assets, and the trade-off between risk and profitability, it can be concluded that when the temporary current assets are financed by short-term financing they have moderate risk and profitability, when the temporary current assets are financed by long-term financing they have low risk and profitability, when the permanent current assets are financed by short-term funding they have high risk and profitability, and when the permanent current assets are financed by long-term financing they have moderate risk-profitability. To measure the performance of the working capital management, the working capital position of the company needs to be analyzed. By using the data presented on the balance sheet and income statement, the company can carry out the analysis of working capital performance using financial ratio analysis on working capital, analysis of the funding sources and use of funding statement, and analysis of the company's cash flow statement


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    This study analyzes the impact of asset use efficiency on financial performance and the impact of financial performance on shareholders' wealth. By using a research sample of manufacturing firms listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX), the purpose of this study is to test whether: 1) the efficiency of using asset has a positive impact on financial performance and 2) financial performance has a positive impact on the welfare of shareholders. The analytical method uses SEM (Structural Equation Model) –(PLS (Partial Least Square) using WarpPLS 5.0. The asset efficiency variable is measured by activity ratios and the shareholder wealth variable is measured by stock return and firm value. The analytical techniques that used are outer model and inner model analysis. The variables of asset efficiency and shareholder wealth are measured variables and the financial performance variable is latent variable. The proceeds of his study state that the activity ratio: 1) working capital turnover (WCT), receivable turnover RCT), inventory turnover (INT), total asset turnover (TAT) have a positive impact on financial performance, and 2)  cycle of cash conversion (CCC) has a negative impact on financial performance. The results of this study also states that financial performance positive impact on stock return and firm value. Thus, this study finds that the efficiency of using asset has a positive impact on financial performance, and performance of financial has a positive impact on stockholder wealt


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    The purpose of this research is to test whether the adversity quotient, business capital, family background and knowledge of entrepreneurship have an effect on student motivation for entrepreneurship. The data in this study were obtained through the distribution of questionnaires to 130 students in the Special Region of Yogyakarta. Based on the results of the analysis of existing data, the findings of this study indicate the following. First, the adversity quotient has a positive effect on student entrepreneurship motivation. Second, business capital has no effect on student motivation in entrepreneurship. Third, family background has a positive effect on student entrepreneurship motivation. Fourth, the provision of entrepreneurship knowledge has a positive effect on student entrepreneurship motivation.Makasud penelitian ini menguji apakah adversity quotient, modal untuk usaha, latar belakang pada keluarga serta bekal ilmu berwirausaha berpengaruh pada motivasi mahasiswa dalam berwirausaha. Dalam penelitian ini, data yang digunakan diperoleh melalui pembagian kuesioner kepada 130 responden mahasiswa yang bertempat tinggal di lingkungan D.I. Yogyakarta. Berdasar hasil analisis data yang ada, temuan pada penelitian ini menunjukkan seperti berikut. Pertama, adversity quotient berpengaruh positif pada motivasi mahasiswa dalam berwirausaha.  Kedua, modal untuk usaha tidak berpengaruh terhadap motivasi mahasiswa dalam berwirausaha. Ketiga, latar belakang pada keluarga berpengaruh positif terhadap motivasi mahasiswa dalam berwirausaha.  Keempat, bekal ilmu berwirausaha berpengaruh positif terhadap motivasi mahasiswa dalam berwirausaha

    Pengukuran Risiko Bisnis dan Risiko Pendanaan dalam Perusahaan

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    : Business and Financial Risk Measurement in the Firms. In making decisions on leverage, financial managers is not enough to pay attention to the earnings, but should also pay attention to the risks. The risks can be business risk, financial risk, and total risk. They can be measured either by statistical or market approach. With the statistical approach, the total risk is measured by the coefficient of variation of EPS, or calculated from the coefficient of variation of EBIT times the Degree of Financial Leverage (DFL). Business risk is measured by the coefficient of variation of EBIT, and financial risk is measured by the coefficient of variation of EPS reduced coefficient of variation of EBIT. With the market approach, the total risk is measured by beta leverage firm, business risk measured by beta unleveraged firm, and financial risk obtained by reducing beta leverage firm by beta unleveraged firm. Through market approach a trade-off relationship between risk and expected return in leverage can be obtained
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